25 January, 2009

Massage (or our version thereof): Day 2

I slept poorly. People slamming doors all night in my guesthouse (seriously, is it really so much effort to close it lightly???), my sleep was also riddled with biting mozzies, apparent dreams of gumby-like contortion/abuse and Geralyn, dear dear Geralyn, having her friday night drinkies and sending me text messages at 5.45, and when i finally slept again, 6.45. Geralyn I love ya, BUT.....

I managed it. We start off the day by praying. The rest of the group it appears are praying to a shrine with a photo of the first teacher of Thai massage. Not that I was capable of following the chanting in Thai anyway, so no worries there. Then one minute meditatoin, in which case I just do what I do every day.

However as they continued to fill our heads at seeming warp speed of information, also whilst being made to 'sit on heels', which my softie western self finds most uncomfortable, I did start to question my decision to engage in this course and whether or not I'd ever remember all these steps (and steps within steps). Seems I was not alone in sleeping poorly though, again poor Ana, she is staying direct on the Khao san road so one can forget sleep pretty much as its a constant party. We also learned steps 2 and 3, but unfortunately left with little time to practice.

Another predicament that I had..which I only have myself to blame for, and yes, we are responsible for all our suffering...having practiced yoga for the first time in 2 weeks, my dear old legs were a wee bit stiff, so having the pressed and prodded was painful enough to have me crying out in the 3 languages of the surrounding folk (Japanese, Thai and well, English only for me as I am the only native speaker of it). Really really wondering what will happen when they add steps 4 and 5 (the final one) tomorrow..

Ended the day by eating a bunch of fruit they had given us and havinga laugh and a recap before boarding our ferry back to the Khao san area. Those crazy Japanese girls had a plan to hit Patpong (for ping pong shows or booze or both, i'm not sure) and much as I'd like to join them...I was once again kaputt. or i'm just getting old.

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