29 January, 2009

Graduation Day: Day 5

So we all did it. Somehow I managed vaguely, after 2x practicing and 2x being practiced on, most of the steps. Ok, Ok, a slight bit of cheating as my 'victim' would give me subtle reminders. dear ol' Marco ended up lost in translation and assumed that practice test was the real thing. Perhaps my mention of the graduation party meeting time and place threw him off and he was already mentally heading into the buckets, but when we were told 5 minute break and then test, he flew into a panicked frenzy whilst doing turbo massage on me.

As the exam itself was a group effort we were all able to follow one another, tho the differing speeds could make that difficult. Ana, who was sat next to me was discouraged at having blanked on one step, but got it back in the end and of course, we all passed. hah.

With smiles on our faces and certificates in hand, we boarded our daily boat back down the Chao Phraya, laughing and dancing down Soi Rambuttri and the Khao san road. Upon reaching the end of it, everyone had peeled off to their various accomodatoin and only Marco, who resides in my neighbor guesthouse, and I remained. When a taxi driver asked the requisite 'where you go, where you go, you need taxi', Marco scooped me up and said 'I'm her taxi!' , and then bolted through Thanon Tanao's traffic with me in his arms, much like the video game frogger.

our evening began at 9pm, first finding the cheapest bucket on Khao San's neighbor road (vodka and red bull at 150 baht each) and promptly began pulling people in for massage. Yukiko had the first customer, one of the women who wander the roads selling various hill tribe like paraphernalia. Bad deal for her though, she massaged the woman and still ended up paying 100 baht for a bracelet. Next was an easy one, a lone fellow Canadian, followed by myself chasing 2 Brits down the street. It was the chasing bit they were impressed with initially and had brought them in. We soon more than doubled our group with our 'clients' before heading over to Khao san to continue the party.

As it was to be Marco's birthday the following day, at midnight we presented him with a collective gift: calvin klein briefs which he wore over his shorts and we tried to sell him off as the sexy-Thai-masseur-Italian-policeman (and yes, he really is in the police!)-gogo boy dancer.

All in all, super! now I've reunited with Malin (who knocked on the door to find my messy hungover self) and we are off to Ko Chang for 'chai yen yen!'.

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